By Selin Yıldız Nielsen – Published on May 31, 2022, | War zones and refugee camps often are inadequately equipped with mental health professionals to respond to such situations.

By Selin Yıldız Nielsen – Published on May 31, 2022, | War zones and refugee camps often are inadequately equipped with mental health professionals to respond to such situations.
Journey to the Bluegrass State for a Turkish American Women in Leadership Retreat June 17-19, 2022 Mark your calendars for a “Turkish American Women in Leadership” retreat sponsored by the National Coalition of Turkish American Women PAC (NC-TAW PAC) and Empowering the Turkish American Community (ETACUSA) in Berea, Kentucky, June 17-19, 2022. RSVP by emailing […]
By G. Lincoln McCurdy – On November 2, 2021, I was fortunate to witness a historical event in American politics that took place in the Bluegrass State, Kentucky.
Serap Odabas Yigit, NCTAWPAC Executive Member, Past President of Florida Turkish American Association (FTAA) and Florida Turkish Center Trustee, passed away on February 19, 2021.
Daphne McCurdy reflects on her experience visiting Iran as a Turkish American under her Turkish identity. Daphne McCurdy formerly served in the U.S. Department of State overseeing stabilization and democracy programs across the Middle East.
The Turkish American community witnessed the highest number of candidates running for public office in 2020 with 13 members of the community declaring their candidacy for federal, state, and local positions.
Turkish American Derya Taskin will participate as one of the 14 New Jersey delegates when the 538 electors of the Electoral College from the 50 states and the District of Columbia cast their official votes for president and vice president on December 14, 2020
Many Native American communities suffer from a lack of resources due to inadequate funding. For example, almost 40% of homes in the Navajo Nation do not have clean running water.
Using the lenses of colonialism and gender, this article explores the evolving nature and perception of Native American women’s leadership historically and in the present.
NC- TAW PAC expresses its gratitude and congratulations to Cem Hacioglu, a Turkish American executive who is President and CEO of West Africa LNG Group, for not only being its first donor but contributing the maximum annual amount allowed by law.
Sevgili Arkadaşlar, We are happy to announce that we have officially launched the National Coalition of Turkish American Women Political Action Committee (NC-TAW PAC) on October 29, Turkish Republic Day. NC-TAW PAC’s mission is to encourage and support Turkish Americans, particularly women, to participate in the American political system by engaging with elected officials and […]
As we approach the end of the election season and begin considering who we, as Turkish Americans will vote for as President, as well as the Congressional and local candidates to support our Presidential pick, it’s important to stop and think about where we are as a country, how our community will be affected, and know that we are in a powerful position to make positive changes.
Updated on October 29 , 2020 Upcoming Election Dates November 3 is the general election. There are now eight candidates from the Turkish American community on the ballot. The eight candidates are: – John Alpay, running for a nonpartisan seat on the City Council of San Juan Capistrano, CA, – Onur Arugaslan, running for […]
Updated on October 29, 2020 2020 has seen the highest number of Turkish Americans, a total of ten, ever running for elected office in one year. Already, one candidate, Aycha Sirvanci Sawa, has been elected as the Chief Financial Officer (Comptroller) for a major American city, Milwaukee, on April 7. With Sawa’s election, the number […]
Updated on October 29, 2020 Ben Bartlett Ben Bartlett (nonpartisan candidate) is seeking reelection to the Berkeley City Council District III (California). He was first elected to the city council in 2016 and was supported by the Turkish Coalition California PAC. He is married to Turkish American Yelda Mesbah Bartlett, a two-time Super Lawyer and […]
Senators who are currently serving and identify with Heritage Communities, excluding American minorities (African, Hispanic and Native Americans) and most Europeans: • Duckworth, Tammy D-IL (Chinese and Thai) • Durbin, Dick D-IL (Lithuanian) • Harris, Kamala D-CA (Indian and Jamaican) • Hirono, Mazie D-HI (Japanese) Members of the House of Representatives who are currently serving […]
On December 4, Turkish Americans in the Washington, D.C, Maryland, Virginia area met at Cafe Georgetown for a holiday-themed, third town hall meeting to celebrate the election victory of Lauren Arikan, who was recently elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in the 7th District. Lauren is married to Turkish American Yusuf Arikan. The series of town-hall meetings […]
On September 11, Turkish Americans in the Washington, D.C, Maryland, Virginia area held a “town hall meeting” and discussion with Lale M. Morrison, Congressman Alcee L. Hastings‘ (D-FL/20th) Chief of Staff, over delicious Turkish food and drinks at Kazan Restaurant in McLean, VA. TC USA PAC Treasurer G. Lincoln McCurdy and TC NE PAC Treasurer Mert Kayan […]
On July 19th, TC Northeast PAC Treasurer Mert Kayan hosted a meet and greet in Washington, DC with Jesse Colvin, Democratic candidate for Congress in Maryland’s 1st district, for members of the Turkish American community. His wife Jordan and their son also attended. Colvin served six years in the U.S. Army as an intelligence officer […]
Congratulations to Lauren Arikan, spouse of Yusuf Arikan and member of the Turkish American community, for her win in the Maryland Republican primary election for House of Delegates (District 7) on June 26th! Lauren has been endorsed by several of her Republican colleagues such as Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD/1st) and Delegate Pat McDonough (R-MD/7th). She […]